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US terror attacks
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Readers talk about their war fears

Ananova: Millions of people worldwide saw the tragic events in the US unfold live on television. How do you feel in the aftermath of events in New York, Washington and Pittsburgh?

Serena: I am shocked and outraged at all of the talk in my country for retaliation and vengeance. We are all afraid and want repercussions against whoever was responsible for these terrorist acts. For the US to wage a war against an invisible army, therefore killing thousands of innocent people, would make us no better than the terrorists who attacked us.

We must be careful how we react here, and I am putting my faith and trust in our President, and hope that he will act with a pure heart. To the world, let us remember those who perished in this senseless act of violence and aggression, and keep in mind those innocents who have yet to die.

Nick Walters: We're all feeling a sense of wonder. For the first time in a long time, we feel like we're part of the world again. Especially the British have been wonderfully supportive, and we have been just plain shocked at the support from just about every nation on earth. It's a great feeling, and we're very grateful for it.

Adam: My upmost sympathies to all affected by the recent events. I like many others right now, fear for the future and the future of our children.

At the moment, many people worldwide seem to belive that a war is the solution. It's not. Regardless of people's current emotions and state of mind, sending troops to Afghanistan will generate more terrorist strikes.

If America believes it can destroy all the terrorists groups in one quick strike, they better make sure no innocent is hurt and they get it right the first time.

Think for a moment if just one terrorist infiltrates the Pakistan nuclear silos, or one of the current workers is either a bin Laden or Taliban supporter, it will mean a nuclear strike.

Sadly as we already know it only takes a few individuals to bring death to thousands.

Liz Brown: I am saddened by the terrorist attacks on America. I am very concerned about the possibility of a violent retaliation by the USA and that we in Britain will be party to a futile, senseless war.

I can only surmise that any violence would lead to more disaster, innocent and civilian casualties, hatred and environmental catastrophe. What is the purpose? War is too dangerous and destructive and could escalate into a far more terrible scenario than the events of last week.

The only retaliation should be a campaign against the causes of terrorism, against poverty, injustice, hatred, religious intolerance and ignorance. Terrorists are harboured by every country in this world, including Britain, the USA and Afghanistan. It will never be possible to locate and 'punish' all the members of this or any other terrorist group involved.

For every so-called terrorist executed a thousand more will emerge to avenge the death of this martyr and infants will continue to be brought up to avenge their comrades and want to grow up to become suicide bombers.

Only by peaceful, humanitarian and diplomatic means will the real evils of this world be addressed and then terrorism will be truly defeated.

Dr E D Meyer: We appreciate the support we've seen from the UK, from the Queen's kind acts to the services held in Grosvenor Square. May I offer one person's reassurance, though, that the US will not go off half-cocked. Our response, I believe and hope, will be timely and planned to minimise civilian loss. But remember we've just lost about 5,000 innocents, too.

Dale Herauf: Many people have called for US restraint, but that is no longer possible. The cowards who committed the vile acts of 9-11 have done this before, not once but several times, each time escalated a little more. How long before your country is bombed? This was not just against the US. How long before explosives no longer are sufficient, and these scum upgrade to biological or nuclear weapons? They must be stopped now before the toll on innocent victims rises any higher.

Ron Stout: If America is a bad place, why do millions sacrifice all to enter to find a better life? If we are a bad people, why does the world look to us for guidance? If our policies are bad, why does the rest of the world flock to us to take advantage of them? If freedom and capitalism are so wrong, why are there still people that live by our system in the USA that refuse to live anywhere else?

A. Johnson: Pain. Sorrow. Rage . . .

Carl Hager: Even though I live in the US, I'm appalled that so many of my fellow citizens are so primed to kill other citizens (Muslims).

Why are so many inclined to believe that only Islamic people are capable of violence? Have so many forgotten the unjustified attacks on the USS Liberty by Israeli jet fighters, and the ensuing cover up by both the Israeli and US governments?

And are we to forget how Mossad in the last 50 years have committed numerous crimes against the Palestinians without justification?

Many US officials should be ashamed of themselves for comparing Pearl Harbour to the recent attacks in NY, Washington, and Pittsburgh.

Gurdeep Singh Chaggar: Please accept my deepest sympathies for the acts of terror unleashed this week on the US public.

I am an English citizen living in London. I feel there is a lack of understanding about people with turbans on a number of reports I've seen from various news channels.

To prevent this issue escalating our duty is to educate the public on the difference between Indians (including Sikh people from India who wear turbans) and Muslims. However this does not seem to be happening and some American citizens are seeing all people with turbans as the terrorists.

Most Muslims do not wear turbans. Although Osama bin Laden does, this does not mean all people with turbans are terrorists. Most people with turbans in America are probably Sikhs, not terrorists from the Middle East/Afghanistan.

What America is now going through is something the Sikh people have already gone through many many years ago. Sikhs were boiled alive and executed in their hundreds of thousands by certain Islamic elements during the 14-1700s.


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