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US terror attacks
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BREAKING NEWS: Up to 24 Japanese citizens are now believed to have perished in the World Trade Centre and Pentagon attacks. Full story


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Horror of terrorist atrocity starting to sink in

Ananova: Millions of people worldwide saw the tragic events in the US unfold live on television. How do you feel in the aftermath of events in New York, Washington and Pittsburgh?

Edward F Every: Don't short change America. We are a sleeping giant - slow to waken but when we waken - beware. I saw HRH Elizabeth at St Paul's on the television this morning. I was raised with that famous image of St Paul's during the darkest hour of the Blitz. We - like our English cousins then - will persevere and be victorious.

Em: I have heard that it was International Day of Peace (during Culture of Peace Week) on the day that the terrorist attack took place. I hope that this chilling irony is a coincidence, but my sympathy to any affected stands arm in arm with my disgust if it was planned to coincide.

Louis: From the beginning of this horror I have sought to impress upon one and all the absolutely critical importance of rebuilding the destroyed towers, at least as tall, at least as strong, as before.

In this war of symbols, the destruction of our symbols must not be allowed to stand as an accomplished fact otherwise it is a monumental victory for the terrorists. For them to 'terrorise' us into no longer building to the skies, for fear of their reactions, is as much a win for them as if they terrorise us out of supporting Israel. Future generations must be able to point to new towers as proof that the terrorists failed.

G Howard: The appalling and frightening attack on America appears to have been carried out by a group of religiously indoctrinated nutcases. They are members of a cult and are now dead. Also, they were not really Muslims. True Muslims have my admiration and respect. Such extremists reside in numerous cities around the world including London, Hamburg and Boston. What hope have we of retaliating against them when they reside in free countries, and have committed no previous crime?

I sincerely hope for my children that the term 'war' will, in the coming weeks be toned down, and also that the immediate need to release understandable anger will be subdued over time. The only plausible action to reduce future threats is more international intelligence sharing and a focus by western countries on the root causes of such drastic and horrific action being taken by others.

Deaths in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, or anywhere else will only fuel more copycat attacks. Any conventional 'war' will be ineffective, counterproductive, and self defeating. America now has the high moral ground and support of all civilised nations. This momentum should be built on to produce a safer, happier planet.

Esperanza Newton-Blair: I live in San Diego County in California. San Diego has the most military bases in the country. So I must tell you that I'm scared. I feel that next time we could be attacked on the west coast. I want to say that I think that it was wonderful when Queen Elizabeth had the national anthem played at Buckingham Palace. I was in tears after I saw it on TV. I have seen the way that Europe has backed us in this time of great anguish. I want to thank all of you for caring about us here in the US. God bless you.

Chris Wainscott: Myself and all Americans have been deeply touched by the kind words and support that we have received from the people of your great nation. God bless you all. America will recover from this attack but mere recovery is not enough. These type of attacks and the people who conduct them must be eliminated from the world. America has learned this lesson the hard way and is now willing to take whatever action is necessary to achieve this goal. If this means replacing governments who support terrorists, Americans will now wage war to do so. We hate war as much as anyone. Unfortunately, we have no choice but to protect ourselves. If we do not protect ourselves, who will do it for us?

Rob: I deplore the violent actions of these terrorists. Loss of innocent lives is absolutely terrible. Some questions: why did America support the Mujahaddin in fighting the Soviets when they were occupying Afghanistan? Why did people in America support the IRA terrorists in Northern Ireland, with guns and money?


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