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US terror attacks
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BREAKING NEWS: Armed guards on board planes, and isolated cockpits to protect pilots, could be introduced in the wake of the US terror strikes, says the Transport Secretary. Full story


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Byers to look at increased plane security
Armed guards on board planes, and isolated cockpits to protect pilots, could be introduced in the wake of the US terror strikes, says the Transport Secretary.
09:23 Saturday 15th September 2001

Young British boy gives pocket money to attack victims
A five-year-old British boy has given the US Ambassador his £4 pocket money to help the families of the victims of the terrorist attacks.
09:11 Saturday 15th September 2001

Mysterious object falls from sky into US Embassy grounds
A mysterious object has fallen from the sky into the grounds of the US Embassy in New Delhi.
08:58 Saturday 15th September 2001

Madonna gives gig proceeds to help terror victims
Madonna has donated the proceeds from a gig in Los Angeles to help the US terrorist attack victims and their families.
08:49 Saturday 15th September 2001

Investigators face legal restrictions
Legal experts are concerned that investigators might stop people for questioning simply because they look Arab or Muslim.
08:39 Saturday 15th September 2001

Pakistan agrees to full list of demands
Pakistan has agreed to the full list of US demands for a possible attack on Afghanistan's Taliban rulers who shelter suspected terrorist Osama bin Laden.
08:24 Saturday 15th September 2001

Taliban threatens to attack neighbours if they help US
Afghanistan is threatening to attack neighbouring countries which help in any US strike.
08:21 Saturday 15th September 2001

Gunmen shoot boy as warning to India not to help US against Taliban
Gunmen in India who shot a 10 year-old-boy left a note warning the government not to support the US in any retaliatory action against the Taliban.
07:58 Saturday 15th September 2001

Brussels suspect 'planned US Embassy attack in Paris'
French radio reports say a suspected Islamic militant arrested in Brussels this week was planning to attack the US Embassy in Paris.
07:56 Saturday 15th September 2001

Taliban threatens to attack neighbours if they help US
Afghanistan is threatening to attack neighbouring countries which help in any US strike.
07:23 Saturday 15th September 2001

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