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US terror attacks
Readers' reactions
BREAKING NEWS: America has came to a virtual standstill as people across the country stopped to pray for the thousands of victims of this week's terrorist attacks. Full story


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Readers views on US terror attacks

Ananova: Millions of people worldwide saw the tragic events in the US unfold live on television. How do you feel in the aftermath of events in New York, Washington and Pittsburgh?

Steve: Diplomacy has not worked and will not work when you are dealing with fanatics who are prepared to kill themselves and anyone else to further their own religious/political agenda. We must act to end this kind of action from ever happening again. It is a defining moment in human history.

Cathy: My sympathies lie with those who lost loved ones - I wish I could take some of their pain. However, it must be remembered that no one should retaliate without evidence; and the killing of civilians in, say, Afghanistan would be as bad as the killing of civilians in New York.

Eric Wood: The events and scenes described, as well as the images and footage surrounding this event, seem more reminiscent of an unreal, sick and twisted psychological thriller as opposed to a real life disaster. Watching the footage on television seemed to be more like an image from a nightmare or a vision of hell. I cannot fathom the kind of mentality that could commit or condone such an atrocity.

Kelly Hunter: This is a horrific shock to us all. I am deeply moved by the people in New York working, helping each other. My heart goes out to all those affected by this sheer tragedy.

Barbara: To the people of America. Just to add to the thousands of people across the world the deepest sympathy of my small family. My children are bewildered by the tragedy and I find myself in the unenviable position of trying to explain why and what. Many cuddles have been shared over the last 24 hours and I hope that some of the love reaches you and gives you some small measure of comfort.

Jeremy Zeid: In the shadow of this disgusting and cowardly act, all of us in the West will now have our freedom and liberty diminished. Paranoia will be the watchword and we must not stoop to scapegoating the innocent by virtue of their religion. The scum who did this must be cut out like the cancer they are.

Barry Cherrington: America has called for war and, if Nato agrees to American demands, this only means more innocent people will die when the main point I think the attackers were trying to make was that even the most powerful country in the world can't stop radicals. This will escalate into a third war based on religion. Israel and Palestine can attest to this and a new cycle of violence will ensue.

Ceri Williams: Please, please do not let this terrible atrocity get out of hand and make you think that all Muslims are evil or all Islamic people are evil. We must find our thread of common humanity and be rational and not have any war. War is too terrible to think of with modern technology. I know we have to get the evil people who did this but they are not true Muslims - they are just evil people. But please no war - otherwise we are all doomed.

Si: The democratic world has to unite and punish to the fullest extent of the law all the people and countries who offer political, financial and emotional support to these scum. And if the law does not exist for this we must create the most punitive ones possible to try and prevent anything on this scale ever occurring again. Fanatics and zealots will always be with us - we have to make sure that if they act, it's as individuals and not with the sponsorship of a country.

Lakhdip Nagra: This event has altered the state of mind of millions in America and billions across all continents. This event transcends geographic and political divisions - every nation has felt the shock wave of the loss. As a European and a human being, I offer my deepest sympathies to all those touched by the savagery.

Kris: As a proud American, I am very angry and grief-stricken. And then to read those in here that refer to Americans and our policies as equal to these cowards. Who is it that all of you call on when you need someone to pull your butts out of the fire? The United States Of America. Remember who fought and died to take your country back from Hitler.

Brook Eggleston: My thanks to the people of the UK for their continued messages of support and condolence, and hope. You are our allies, not only on paper, but in heart and soul. Your caring and concern have let us know that we do not stand alone. Her Majesty's unprecedented decision to have the American anthem played at a special Changing of the Guard ceremony speaks louder than any words. Thank you all for caring, and understanding.

Paul West: I live in South Africa and was horrified at the carnage caused by these terrorist animals. Find them and destroy them. My work colleagues and I send our heartfelt condolences to all that have suffered in New York and Washington. You, the American people, are not alone.

Adrian Jones: In view of the overwhelming sense of shock and loss which has swept the world in response to these terrible events, I think Sept 11 should be declared a global day of remembrance; not just for the victims of New York, but of all victims of terrorism everywhere. Let the people of the world send a message to these evil men that we reject their violence wherever, and whenever, it occurs.


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