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US terror attacks
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BREAKING NEWS: Norway's Ministry of Foreign Affairs says there are now only four people on its missing persons list following the US terror attacks. Full story


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 Alder Hey 


Alder Hey criticised over babies' funerals
Alder Hey has been criticised for not paying full funeral costs for the partial remains of babies and children stored in the hospital.
19:16 Thursday 2nd August 2001

Inquiry into baby's hospital death
An inquiry has been launched into the death of a baby boy at Liverpool's Alder Hey Hospital.
15:15 Thursday 12th July 2001

Alder Hey scandal is 'causing crisis in the NHS'
Doctors are being driven from their jobs by hate mail and harassment sparked by the Alder Hey Hospital organs scandal.
16:01 Wednesday 4th July 2001

Alder Hey parents welcome doctor's guilty plea
Parents involved in the Alder Hey organs scandal have welcomed news that the doctor at the centre of the affair has admitted improperly storing a child's body parts before a Canadian court.
04:39 Saturday 30th June 2001

Van Velzen pleads guilty to improperly storing children's organs
The doctor suspended from practising in the UK, after being censured in the report into the Alder Hey organs scandal has faced a Canadian court on similar charges.
20:16 Friday 29th June 2001

Prosecution service gathers organ scandal evidence
A dossier of evidence concerning the organ retention scandal at Alder Hey hospital is being compiled by the Crown Prosecution Service.
18:52 Monday 11th June 2001

Alder Hey organs could be buried at mass funeral
Unidentifiable organs from the Alder Hey scandal could be buried in a single mass funeral.
18:41 Monday 21st May 2001

Organ scandal hospital plans new research centre
Health chiefs at a children's hospital which kept the organs of dead babies without parental consent have announced plans to build a £2 million research lab and mortuary.
18:12 Friday 11th May 2001

Alder Hey's 'Dr Death' finds new job washing lorries
The pathologist at the centre of the Alder Hey scandal is washing lorries for a living.
15:52 Saturday 17th March 2001

Baby scandal doctors to be investigated by GMC
Doctors criticised by the inquiry into the Alder Hey organs scandal have been referred to the General Medical Council for investigation.
02:32 Thursday 15th March 2001

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