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US terror attacks
Readers' reactions
BREAKING NEWS: An internet company selling art online has removed an image of the Statue of Liberty wearing a full face veil following the US terror attacks. Full story


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Readers respond to Question Time furore
Ananova: The BBC's switchboards were jammed by callers angry at anti-American comments during last night's Question Time programme. Do you agree with angry callers, or is criticism of US foreign policy justified?
16:31 Friday 14th September 2001

Users give their view on Question Time controversy - adds
Ananova: The BBC's switchboards were jammed by callers angry at anti-American comments during last night's Question Time programme. Do you agree with angry callers, or is criticism of US foreign policy justified?
15:42 Friday 14th September 2001

Users give their view on Question Time controversy
Ananova: The BBC's switchboards were jammed by callers angry at anti-American comments during last night's Question Time programme. Do you agree with angry callers, or is criticism of US foreign policy justified?
13:17 Friday 14th September 2001

Readers still coming to terms with US terror attacks
Ananova: Millions of people worldwide saw the tragic events in the US unfold live on television. How do you feel in the aftermath of events in New York, Washington and Pittsburgh?
10:41 Friday 14th September 2001

Readers have their say on US terror attacks
Ananova: Millions of people worldwide saw the tragic events in the US unfold live on television. How do you feel in the aftermath of events in New York, Washington and Pittsburgh?
14:47 Thursday 13th September 2001

Readers views on US terror attacks
Ananova: Millions of people worldwide saw the tragic events in the US unfold live on television. How do you feel in the aftermath of events in New York, Washington and Pittsburgh?
10:32 Thursday 13th September 2001

Readers views on US terror attacks
Ananova: Millions of people worldwide saw the tragic events in the US unfold live on television. How do you feel in the aftermath of events in New York, Washington and Pittsburgh?
06:31 Thursday 13th September 2001

Ananova readers talk about the US terror attacks
Ananova: Millions of people worldwide saw the tragic events in the US unfold live on television. How do you feel in the aftermath of events in New York, Washington and Pittsburgh?
16:23 Wednesday 12th September 2001

Ananova users tell of their feelings on the atrocity
Ananova: Millions of people worldwide saw the tragic events in the US unfold live on television. How do you feel in the aftermath of events in New York, Washington and Pittsburgh?
14:37 Wednesday 12th September 2001

Ananova users tell of their feelings on the actrocity
Ananova : Millions of people worldwide saw the tragic events in the US unfold live on television. How do you feel in the aftermath of events in New York, Washington and Pittsburgh?
11:36 Wednesday 12th September 2001

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