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US terror attacks
Readers' horror
BREAKING NEWS: A Briton living in Manhattan was given a five minute lesson in life-saving techniques before joining the rescue attempts in New York. Full story


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 US terror attacks 

Ruins in the streets of New York The grim aftermath . . .
American Airlines has released the names of some of the people who died on its flights

New York's Mayor has urged citizens not to take out their anger on each other.

The US Secretary of State says a strong alliance of countries is coming together to respond to the terrorist attacks.

We will send you news and analysis on the events in the US directly to you

Briton joined rescue after five-minute life-saving lesson
A Briton living in Manhattan was given a five minute lesson in life-saving techniques before joining the rescue attempts in New York.
09:12 Thursday 13th September 2001

Four crash pilots identified, say FBI sources
US investigators believe they have identified the four pilots who commandeered two planes from Boston and crashed into the World Trade Centre.
08:58 Thursday 13th September 2001

Proms climax axed after US tragedy
The traditional rousing patriotic climax to the BBC Proms season has been axed in the wake of the horrors in the United States.
08:57 Thursday 13th September 2001

Gulf commander says 'rogue regimes' must be destroyed
The British commander during the Gulf War believes America must destroy those responsible for the terrorist attacks.
08:44 Thursday 13th September 2001

British airports face 'massive disruption'
Airports operator BAA is warning passengers face massive disruption after the terrorist attacks in the US.
08:44 Thursday 13th September 2001

Record company alters album cover showing US terror
The artwork for a new album showing the World Trade Centre being blown up has been changed.
08:32 Thursday 13th September 2001

Loyalists to halt school protest for one day
The loyalist protest against Catholic schoolchildren and their parents in north Belfast is to be called off for one day as a mark of respect of those killed in the terror attacks in the US.
08:26 Thursday 13th September 2001

Chance to attack bin Laden rejected
During Bill Clinton's presidency, officials received specific intelligence about the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden and weighed a military plan to strike his location.
08:16 Thursday 13th September 2001

Schwarzenegger film likely to be put back
Arnold Schwarzenegger's new film is expected to be postponed in the wake of the attacks on the US.
08:13 Thursday 13th September 2001

Spider-Man movie could be scrapped
The Spider-Man movie could be scrapped altogether after the US terror attacks.
08:09 Thursday 13th September 2001

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