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US terror attacks
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Ananova readers talk about the US terror attacks

Ananova: Millions of people worldwide saw the tragic events in the US unfold live on television. How do you feel in the aftermath of events in New York, Washington and Pittsburgh?

Hatsumi: I feel shock and disgust at the loss of life involved. America needs to be careful where they point the finger, until they have enough facts. If it is a dissident faction based in the States they need to be careful when they talk of revenge and retaliation. If it turns out to be a group of terrorist killers based anywhere else in the world, they should bomb them to hell with our help.

Julian: Now we are all remembering what the word terrorist means. We must not yield, we must not falter. The nameless and faceless murderers are cowards. Good must triumph over evil but not at the cost of our souls. We should not lie down with the devil.

Matt Jones: Although it doesn't excuse the loss of life, it's important to put it into perspective.

A person dies every 30 seconds in Africa, through no small part because of greedy US policies -10,000 dead in New York is probably about four days worth of death in Africa.

Unprovoked attack? Ask anyone outside Europe whether it's unprovoked. What goes around, as they say, comes around.

EK: I cannot believe the carnage and grief which has been left behind by these cowardly acts. My heart goes out to all the people and their families hurt in this unbelievable act of stupidity and arrogance.

Not only have they murdered thousands of innocent people and caused mass destruction, but also destroyed one of the most symbolic landmarks of modern history. Nobody deserves this kind of treatment, no matter what the cause.

I have faith in President Bush, the American people and the rest of the world to target and erase these barbaric people from our world.

David Kohler: This was unquestionably an atrocious act upon innocent civilians. However, the US runs the risk of beginning a cycle of violence unless the right people are targeted and the situation is handled as a criminal, terrorist act and not as an act of war by a recognised nation.

TC: What I think must be realised is that these people are anything but inhuman monsters or whatever you wish to call them. They are exactly the same as the rest of us, apart from the fact they have had to live under US opression and sanctions in some way for most of their lives and are understandably sick of it.

I think they are just fighting back the only way they can and letting us know that they will not lie down and take it. I am not condoning this in any way but it would be nice for once if the US government examined the root of the problem instead of just blowing it up and covering it over. However many terrorists you kill there will always be more willing to take their place.

Rachel: I thought it was absolutely terrible and feel so sorry for all the people involved. It was moving to read Neil Robson's comment about his whole office going quiet. It's just a shame that where I work people haven't got the same sense of compassion and decorum but instead go around making up sick jokes about the whole affair. I just put it down to ignorance and shock.

Sam Liddicott: Quote from the front page: "It is time for the world to create an order that puts an end to world terrorism."

Surely I'm not the only one that has noticed that terrorism is usually in opposition to various political orders. Creating a new large order will merely serve to unite the opposition into a conflicting large order.

Nick: The danger in this situation is an immediate escalation and conflagration which draws the world almost immediately into a war centred around the Middle East. The vast majority of Arabs, I am sure, are as appalled by the acts as are we. However, it is the vocal minority which is being focused upon. We must focus efforts and resources on policy-setting in the Middle East, or this could signal the start of a global war.

Debs: I have noticed that the date of the disaster, September 11, in American format is 911 (the US emergency services number). Has anyone commented on the coincidence or possible relevance of this?

Charlotte: This is a defining moment in history. I think everyone will agree that things will never be the same again. The world lost some of its innocence through what it saw on TV. Everyone has an opinion on who and why, but maybe that is not the most important thing - we can never know the absolute truth. What has caused these events are countless other events, pieces of the past that have built up to this moment. At the end of the day, thousands of people have had their lives destroyed, millions of others had their lives changed in a very profound way, all because of one action spurred by hate, bitterness and revenge. Who caused this? The human race did, we all did.


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