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What constitutes a religion is a very vexed topic, subject to considerable dispute in the field of theology. For introductory purposes, it might be defined as a system of belief?s based on man's attempt to explain the universe and natural phenomena, often ascribing agency to one or more deities? or other supernatural? forces. Religions generally attract adherents who come together to celebrate holy days and to pray. Most religions also have a code of laws which must be followed, such as the Ten Commandments, or many of the books listed below.

Religions are systems of belief which deal with the supernatural? - what happens to us when we die, the nature of Deity (or Deities) (cf God) and our relationship therewith. Most religions begin when Deity intervenes in the lives of a person or group, enlightening them and establishing a superior way of life leading to internal peace in this life and qualification for some kind of Heaven after this life.

Religions deal with the (more or less) divergent lifestyle?s espoused by other religions in several ways. Religions with more closed sets of beliefs may consider all the others wrong, corruptions or counterfeits of the true faith, while more open religions praise all belief systems as beneficial.

Extinct, ancient polytheistic religions, such as those of ancient Greece, [ancient Rome]?, [the Vikings]?, etc., are often studied under the heading of mythology. More exactly, the stories and legends around these beliefs comprise the mythology of one of these religions. More generally, by extension, for the non-adherents of any given religion, the stories and legends thereof are sometimes referred to (but usually pejoratively) as the mythology of that religion.

Religion in general

God -- names given to the divine -- Philosophy of religion -- Sociology of Religion -- Theology -- History of religions -- Definition of religion

Religions, sects and denominations

- Monotheistic religions -

Abrahamic religions

Other and related -- Manichaeism, Zoarastrianism?, Druzism?, Mandaeanism,

- Religions of Indian Origin -

Buddhism -- Theravada?, Mahayana, Vajrayana?


Other -- Jainism, Sikhism

- Religions of Far Eastern origin -




Other -- Caodaism?

- Mock Religions -

Discordianism, [Church of the subGenius]? (Re the term "Mock religions"): We should note that the Discordians at least maintain that their religion is not wholly without an element of seriousness).

- Other Religions -

New religious movements -- [Children of God]?, ISKCON?, Process Church of the Final Judgement, Raelism, Scientology, Thelema, [Unification Church]?

Paganism and Neopaganism -- [African Religions]?, Asatru, Goddess Worship, Santeria?, Shamanism, Voudun? (Voodoo), Wicca

Other -- Satanism, Yezidis

Related Belief Systems


Aztec Mythology -- Celtic Mythology -- Egyptian Mythology -- Greek Mythology Norse Mythology -- Roman Mythology -- Sumerian Mythology -- [Sun Mythology]?


Sufism -- Kabbalah--[Christian mysticism]?--[Hindu mysticism]?


Religious texts

Torah -- Tanach -- Bible --New Testament -- Talmud -- The Koran -- Kitab-i-Aqdas -- Tao Teh Ching -- Bhagavad Gita -- Upanishads? -- Vedas? -- Pali canon -- The Book of Mormon

Mock religions -- Principia Discordia) (Re the term "Mock religions"): We should note that the Discordians at least maintainn that their religion is not wholly without an element of seriousness).

See also: Afterlife, Demon, Demonolatry

One man's approach to Religious scholarship: Henks Comparative Sacred Reading
Other notable online sources for religious information include:


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Last edited October 16, 2001 9:50 am (diff)