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ADDRESS: c/o Saint Germain Foundation, 1120 Stonehedge Dr., Schaumburg, IL 60194

OTHER NAMES BY WHICH KNOWN: Saint Germain Foundation.

LEADERSHIP: International Leader: Frederick Landwehr, Chairman, Saint Germain Foundation.

MEMBERSHIP: There are more than three hundred Temples and Sanctuaries under the jurisdiction of Saint Germain Foundation. No exact Membership is known.

HISTORICAL ORIGIN: The "I AM" Religious Activity was initiated by Guy W. Ballard. In the late twenties Mr. Ballard travelled to Northern California for business. Having heard of the Brotherhood of Mount Shasta for years, he felt guided to the slopes of this great mountain and visited it repeatedly. In August of 1930, while hiking he encountered the Master Saint Germain; and his remarkable experiences began.

Over the following months Mr. Ballard recorded the messages he received from Saint Germain and his many experiences on the mountain. He later published these as Volumes I & II of the Saint Germain Series. In 1938 Mr. & Mrs. Ballard established the Saint Germain Foundation and shortly thereafter, the Saint Germain Press, Inc.

After returning to Chicago Mr. Ballard at first shared his experiences with friends and then the local community. As his followers increased, the Ballards began lecturing across the country, holding classes throughout the United States. They soon repeatedly filled the Chicago Auditorium, Chicago Civic Opera House, and the Los Angeles Shrine Auditorium.

Mr. Ballard passed away in December of 1939. Following his passing and Ascension, Mrs. Ballard became head of the movement.

In the early 1940s, various lawsuits were filed by several ex-members against Mrs. Ballard and members of her staff. Mrs. Ballard was criminally charged by the United States Government. After four years of litigation, Mrs. Ballard was declared innocent, and all remaining criminal charges were dropped. One of the most important aspects of this extended conflict was the benchmark Supreme Court decision in United States vs. Ballard, (April 24, 1944) which firmly asserted that people could not be tried on the basis of the supposed "irrationality" of their religious beliefs (i.e., in the words of Justice Douglas, "Heresy trials are foreign to our Constitution) After this fractious period ended, Mrs. Ballard continued to lead the Saint Germain Foundation and its Teachings. The movement continued to grow and expand from the late 1940s. Mrs. Ballard passed away in February, 1971. Following her Ascension, the movement has been governed by a Board of Directors.

The movement continues to prosper. Congregations are located throughout the United States, Canada, and many foreign countries.

BASIC BELIEFS: The "I AM" Religious Activity teaches that Perfection comes only from the Ascended Masters' Octave of Light. For one to obtain spiritual growth, one must seek Instruction from the Ascended Masters, including Jesus and Saint Germain.

The "I AM" Activity shows the way to obtain personal growth by being aware of and developing one's own relationship with God. Believers become better persons and citizens of the world.

The Teachings are true education of Life and the Spiritual Culture of the people. They are brought forth in the interest of the public good. This Understanding teaches the use of the Great Creative Word of Life, "I AM." Every person on earth has an individualized Flame of God anchored within his or her heart. Not only does everyone have this Divine Spark of the "I AM" within, but above each form is the individualized focus of the Godhead, referred to as the "Mighty I AM Presence," or as often called, the "Guardian Angel.

The "I AM" Religion is a Christian Religion, taking some of Its Teachings from the New Testament. It recognizes all of the Christian Holidays; and the Saint Germain Foundation presents an annual Pageant depicting the Life of Christ at their 1500 seat outdoor amphitheater in Mount Shasta, California.

PRACTICES AND BEHAVIORAL STANDARDS: Services are held several times weekly, generally in small groups. Quiet contemplation, repetition of Affirmation, Decrees, singing, and listening to recorded lectures by Mr. and Mrs.. Ballard comprise these services. Readings are also given, which are taken from the books of the Saint Germain Series. The first three books are available free of charge to any military Chaplain, by contacting the Saint Germain Foundation.

Affirmations generally are individual attunements to God. Decrees request the Blessings, not only for the individual and followers, but for America and all mankind. The Bible states; "Thou shalt also decree a thing and it shall be established unto you." (Job 22:28)

No special ecclesiastical services are required for those in the Armed Forces, for its members are taught they can individually worship God through silent communication and prayer; and they often attend inter-denominational services which are offered. No religious symbols are required. The members believe that by obtaining goodness in life they may eventually ascend from the earth, following Jesus' Example. If the Ascension is not obtained, the person is reincarnated in human form (re-embodied), and experiences the wheel of birth and rebirth until the final goal of the Ascension is attained.

ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE: The Religion is governed by a Board of Directors, which sponsors Temples and Sanctuaries in most of the large cities in America and Canada, as well as in more than fifty cities in foreign countries. The Board of Directors oversees the work of the Appointed Messengers and Field Workers; Sponsors of the various Temples work under the sole jurisdiction of Saint Germain Foundation.

ROLE OF MINISTERS: Ministers known as Messengers and Field Workers conduct Classes in America and foreign countries. Sponsors also serve in a ministerial capacity. They hold services in local Temples, and participate in both Leadership Seminars and the annual Pageant on the Life of Christ.

WORSHIP: Members are taught to worship God individually, and to attempt to maintain the God Ideals by worshiping God in the highest and most powerful way possible. Special Church Services are not required by its members while serving in the Armed Forces, as the individual student is taught that through silent communication and prayer, he/she is always in touch with the God-Divinity.

DIETARY LAWS OR RESTRICTIONS: Vegetarianism is practiced whenever possible.

FUNERAL AND BURIAL REQUIREMENTS: When a Student of the "I AM" Religious Activity passes on, the body is not to be embalmed, but is refrigerated for seventy-two hours. A short reverent Service should be held after this three day period, and then the body should be cremated. If a Service is held, appropriate readings should be read from the books of the Saint Germain Series if available; and if not, from the New Testament. If this is not practical, words of grace should be said for the deceased. The Religion assures its members that ultimate salvation is not denied, if due to exigencies funeral rites cannot be observed.

MEDICAL TREATMENT: Injections of serums and/or blood transfusions is an individual decision under the "I AM" Instruction, but generally avoided whenever possible.


"I AM" Students are permitted to bear arms and defend their country. There is no active proselytizing. The church has grown by the strength of its own beliefs.


[Ballard, Guy W.] Godfre Ray King. Unveiled Mysteries. Saint Germain Series, Vol. 1. Schaumburg, IL: Saint Germain Press, 1982. 260pp. 14th ed.

[The Magic Presence. Saint Germain Series, Vol.2. Schaumburg, IL: Saint Germain Press, 1982. 399pp.

Saint Germain [through Godfre Ray King]). The "I AM" Discourses. Saint Germain Series, Vol. 3. Schaumburg, IL: Saint Germain Press, 1940. 361pp.

An introduction to the Teachings is set forth in pamphlets published by the Foundation.


Mr. Lyle Schrock, Vice-Chairman, Saint Germain Foundation, 1120 Stonehedge Drive, Schaumburg, IL 60194, (708) 882-7400 or (800) 662-2800, Fax: (708) 882-1117

Last updated: 30 May 2000 / E-Mail: CH(MAJ) Conway

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