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Shawn Fanning on Napster

Currently entrenched in a battle against the RIAA and universities across the country, Napster has become a focal point of controversy on the Internet. ZDNet spoke with Napster's creator to learn more about the MP3 search software, and to find out what's in store for Napster users.

By Giancarlo Varanini
March 1, 2000

Shawn Fanning, creator of Napster
The Internet has become a breeding ground for a wide array of interesting issues. Internet pundits have discussed everything from politics to pornography at great length, but only few could have foreseen that one of the most important issues would revolve around a compression technology known as MP3 or MPEG Audio Layer 3.

At a time when the MP3 industry is under fire from multiple directions, the RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America) has filed a lawsuit against the small start-up company out of San Mateo, California, known as Napster. Napster is software that lets users to create a virtual network in which they can see other users' MP3s and decide if they would like to download them or not. The Napster software also gives you the ability to chat with other users and create a set of preferences based on the users' own musical tastes. So why is the RIAA going after Napster? While some of the files being traded through Napster are legal, the majority of the files are not. Users of Napster are able to trade music that has not been authorized by record labels or individual artists, thereby violating copyright law.

Napster maintains that the company itself is not guilty of any wrongdoing since the company does not keep any of the illegal files on its servers. Of course, the RIAA continues to push the issue, stating that Napster still has some liability in providing an area for people to trade copyrighted material. The situation has developed into a ferocious storm of controversy. "We love the idea of using technology to build artist communities, but that's not what Napster is all about. Napster is about facilitating piracy and trying to build a business on the backs of artists and copyright owners," said Cary Sherman, senior executive vice president and general counsel of the RIAA. Various artists in the recording industry agree. "I couldn't believe it when I found out that this Napster was linking thousands of people to the new Notorious BIG album, Born Again, a week before it even hit the streets," said Sean Combs, who is also known as Puff Daddy. "This album is a labor of love from Notorious BIG's friends to the man, his kids, the rest of his family, and everyone else whose lives will never be the same since BIG passed. BIG and every other artist Napster abuses deserve respect for what they give us."

Regardless of the conflict that has been spawned between Napster and the RIAA, it's obvious that the software brings a number of interesting ideas to the table. Napster has the potential to change the way people share information or different forms of media, whether it is MP3s or not. ZDNet Music spoke with the creator of Napster, Shawn Fanning, to learn more about Napster, and while many of our questions couldn't be answered due to legal constraints, it's obvious that Napster will become one of the main focal points in the ongoing Internet music revolution:

ZDNet: What was your motivation for starting Napster?

Shawn Fanning: Well, there were a few things. I was at Northeastern University playing with the idea and getting feedback from my roommates, and then started drafting a really basic design idea. It was rooted out of frustration not only with, Lycos, and, but also to create a music community. There really was nothing like it at the time. We had good ideas for implementation, so we proceeded. I think it was an excellent solution to the reliability issues with existing search engines.

ZDNet: What was the most difficult aspect to deal with in terms of design?

Shawn Fanning: I think the most difficult thing had been scaling the infrastructure. Trying to support the response we had received from our users and the number of people that were interested in using the software. I think that's been the most difficult thing. Also, it was pretty difficult because I had a background in Unix development, but it was really my first Windows application. I had to actually purchase a book to learn the API and write the client. It was pretty frustrating trying to learn the API and develop a product quickly.

ZDNet: So you had a sense that once you finished the program that it would become as popular as it is today?

Shawn Fanning: The idea would become pretty popular. I wasn't really sure that my implementation of it would be what really took off, but fortunately I was able to get a prototype done. Unfortunately, the client that exists today is still pretty much the prototype design. A lot of things we're working on lately have been UI [user interface] cleanups and things like that, as well as trying to scale the network. I understood an idea like this could become popular, but at the same time I didn't think it was my implementation that would be so widely used.

Next: Napster continued>



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