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The Universe
Mania Magazine

Thunderbolts #11

by Sean Kleefeld

Publication Date: February 1998


Zemo unleashes his plans for world domination.


Writers: Kurt Busiek
Artist: Mark Bagley
Inker: Vince Russell
Colorist: Joe Rosas
Letterers: Richard Starkings and Comicraft's Dave Lanphear

The High Ground

In cities throughout the world, military organizations are taking control. They are all demanding the surrender of everything to Baron Zemo. Neither the Fantastic Four nor the Avengers have been able to trace the Thunderbolts whereabouts.

Aboard an abandoned AIM satellite, Jolt overhears the Thunderbolts' conversations from an air shaft. As several teammates begin having doubts about Zemo's motives, Hallie crawls to another section to listen in on Zemo and Techno. Techno reports that 36 nations have surrendered so far, and Zemo begins to revel in his power. He congratulates himself on using the bio-modems to take control of the world's armed forces and he uses Techno's new-found abilities to speak to the world via satellite hook-ups. Enraging Carnelian authorities who try to fire the missiles that Zemo already has control over. They explode without launching and Zemo laughs at their futile attempts.

Atlas tries to call Dallas Riordiano apologize. She is quite enraged, but not nearly as much as Zemo is when Techno informs him of the security breach. Techno reassures Zemo that his encryption cloaking module would have prevented anyone from determining their location anyway.

Jolt appears before Meteorite, Atlas, Songbird and Mach-1. She pleas with them to help overthrow Zemo. As she nearly convinces the group of her plan, Zemo enters. He has Atlas return to his side and sends a powerful unending shock of electricity through the rest of the group. Fortunately Meteorite had Mac-1 create a jammer for it, which releases them for the "agonizer's" pain.

The Thunderbolts erupt in a battle amongst themselves. The former allies try killing each other with as much fervor as they have ever known. Jolt eventually sneaks away to destroy Techno's cloaking module, but is soon unwillingly brought into the heat of the battle.

Eventually Meteorite stands alone against Zemo, Techno and Atlas. As she fights on, a resounding crash heralds the entrance of the Fantastic Four and the Avengers. Just as Meteorite thanks the fates for their timely arrival, Zemo points out that the heroes are in fact under his control!


Baron Zemo: Helmut has become almost overwhelmed by his control. He has become so addicted to his power so quickly that he will stop at nothing to prevent his losing it.
Jolt: Hallie is ever an optimist. This is very likely a product of her youthful idealism.
Meteorite: Karla spends most of this issue plotting. She enjoyed her fame as a hero and would rather have the world's respect than their collective will.
Atlas: As Zemo points out, Josten is a follower. He makes an excellent soldier and a nearly ideal pawn of Zemo.

This seems vaguely familiar...

Zemo has bided his time to gain the power he has in this issue. However the euphoria that this power brings could well be his downfall.

Zemo's patience for his teammates is dwindling quickly. While he has maintained a tight grip on them throughout their recent endeavors, his temper seems to be shortening. He quickly snaps at Techno for continuing to revel in his new metallic body. He also fails to thank him for uploading the bio-modem in the first place. Helmut is quick to point out Atlas' weakness for Dallas and even more quickly uses his agonizer on the remainder of the team.

Zemo will most likely soon realize that trying to control so many strong- willed heroes is a mistake. Nearly everyone of the heroes he brings up to the satellite has been forced under someone else's control at least once. Villains ranging in power from the Wizard to Morgan LeFay to Loki have used various means of subjugating a hero's will to their own. In many cases, the hero in question was soon able to regain control by sheer strength of will. It seems unlikely that Zemo will be able to control this group for long

Next issue... The Showdown You've Been Waiting For!

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