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Cast of Characters

Andy Bear

The embodiment of Pluggers. Able to live by his wits, and keep smiling even when the going gets rough - which it often does. He's helped by a devoted, hopelessly energetic wife, and three children he both desperately loves and is trying to survive. Works as chief foreman and estimator at a local construction company, a job with equal parts anxiety and aggravation, and one he loves. He knows how the world works, and how to fix it when it dosen't. Andy is Everyman. Er...Everybear

Sheila Roo

Andy's Australian kangaroo wife, and a glowingly healthy aerobics instructor. Sheila struggles with Andy to work through the challenges of a modern inter-species marriage.

Hamilton Ivory

The Beleaguered elephant boss of the construction company where Andy Bear works. Not a fan of new technologies - he still believes the most important tools of business communication are "pens, paper and the U.S. Mail."

Carl Rhinowski

Construction Worker


Cafe Owner

Alan Litigator


Moose K. MacMoose III

Former CEO


Little Guy

DeeDee Doo

Hair Stylist

Arthur Goldwyn


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Last updated June 24, 1996

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